

YouTube Success Blueprint

Rs. 499

Facebook Success Blueprint

Rs. 499

1:1 YouTube training

Rs. 1,999

Student Reviews


This course is out of world. Rhitik sir showed everything practically like he was here with me. Live helped me with all of my problems Even if you are a beginner this course teaches everything from 0 to expert level


Youtube blueprint is the best thing out there I watched the whole course first and now implementing everything and I'm so happy with my videos and growth


did some courses in past but didn't get any results but this I did everything as per course and I must say everything is going amazing This course is value for money!

Know Your Coach - Hritik Patil

Content Creator

He created multiple successful youtube channels successful in very short amount of time. Worked with brands to create their First Million Subs on YouTube His biggest achievement comes in the form of his student’s success. Some started earning for the first time from youtube and made their moms proud. Some shared their own faith stories on youtube and became successful.

Social Media Manager

He manages multiple social media celebs with more than Million following on social media. Worked with brands like Moj (From Sharechat), Meesho, CashKaro, Aegte, Etc.


Founder and CEO of CourseRomeo.com

He has Created multiple courses on how to achieve results he has achieved through his own experience! Now he works with startups and overseas clients to help them grow their business. His first entrepreneurial venture when he was in 11th Std, Movie Listing Website worth 15 Lakhs. After 12th became a supplier for Meesho and created a successful clothing business. After creating multiple successful YouTube channels he has embarked on his entrepreneurial journey!